(These are all based on recommendations from Real Food for Mother and Baby, by Nina Planck and The New Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy & Birth, by Stephanie Brill, which is basically my bible at this point)
1. I have given up coffee, ahhhhhh! I will admit, there have been a couple of stress-induced relapses.
2. I have cut back on refined sugar. This one is kind of challenging because people are always bringing baked goods and stuff into work. I can't really do what I do at work and then walk past a cookie. At least there is no refined sugar in my home.
3. I'm trying to stay away from empty carbs and unhealthy fats.
4. I am eating a lot more vegetables and fruits. The recommendation is 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, about 3-4 being dark, green, leafy vegetables and to get "all the colors of the rainbow" (no pun intended). I think I am getting close to nine and definitely "all the colors of the rainbow." It's hard to get in all of the dark, green, leafy, vegetables, but I am having one at lunch and one at dinner.
5. I'm trying to eat mostly organic, especially meat. I was pretty much doing this already. Luckily here in Vermont, there's plenty of local, organic meat. We won't talk about my grocery bill though.
6. Supplements- pre-natals, fish oil, and pro-biotics.
7. This one might be a little wacky, but I'm trying this thing called "lunaception." This is where you sleep in total darkness, with the idea being that, prior to electricity, women's ovulation would occur with the full moon. So, I guess the idea is that if you eliminate light from where you sleep, but then let in a little bit of light when you're supposed to be ovulating, you might be able to trigger ovulation. This just involves me putting a blanket over my alarm clock, so I figured, why not? Interestingly, after doing this for a month ***TMI Alert*** my ovulation symptoms lined up with the full moon.
Aside from the things that I'm already doing, I also need to work on exercising more, which I am seriously lacking in motivation to do. I also might try a round of acupuncture when it gets closer.
Honestly, if standing on my head would make me fertile, I would try it. I guess doing all of this also helps me feel productive, like I'm at least doing SOMETHING while I wait.