Saturday, May 12, 2012

Let the Cleansing Begin

Many people know that I have had the most awful roommate situation for the past couple of months.  Basically this co-worker of mine, who was sort of a friend at the time, moved in with me in March.  I was under the assumption that he was planning to pay rent and he was under the assumption that he could stay here for free.  Obviously, this is partly my fault because I should have hammered out the details with him first, but who would assume that they could live with someone for free?  Looking back on it, I had tried to talk to him about the logistics a few times before he moved in, but he acted like he was too busy and overwhelmed with his partner moving to discuss moving in with me.  So, I've been feeling really taken advantage of by him.  I did eventually confront him about the rent, but honestly, I lost all respect for him in that conversation.  He actually told me that he had asked me how much I wanted for rent and that I told him he could just stay here.  I swear, this conversation never happened and I am uncomfortable with a liar.  In addition, he's pretty dirty.  His room (my future baby's room) smells really bad.  Nobody is going to get away with farting (or whatever he does) in my baby's room.  He also talks constant sh*t about how stupid social workers are (I am a social worker).  The worst though, is that ever since the rent conversation, things have been really tense between us, meaning we barely speak.  He has tried to be superficially friendly, but I have a limited capacity to fake my feelings.

That's the background, to get to the point of my story:  I woke up this morning just feeling like some kind of doormat.  It's not just this situation, but it's been a general theme lately.  I don't know if I've been putting some kind of energy out into the universe, making people feel like it's ok to walk all over me or what.  So, I just lost it.  I sent him a text message (he's not here this weekend) and told him that he needs to be out by Memorial Day weekend.  He responded "ok."  I imagine he might leave sooner, but my gosh, I cannot imagine how tense it will be between now and whenever he leaves.  Overall, I just need this though because I can't keep feeling this tense.  I want to just enjoy this summer.  Also, I really need him gone if I move up my ttc timeline.  He was supposed to leave by August anyway, but I feel like I can't even leave town with him here because I don't trust him to be here alone.  So, hopefully within the next two weeks, he will be gone.  Then, my task will be to get the smell out of future baby's room.

I intend to be more careful about this type of thing in the future.  I won't tolerate being taken advantage of, especially with a child.  I want them to grow up knowing a strong, capable mother, who doesn't take this kind of bullsh*t from anyone.  So, I'm setting all kinds of boundaries with people and I understand that that will not be received well by everyone, but frankly, that's just too f**king bad.

Sorry for the language, by the way.

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