Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Officially in 2WW

Well, Fedex finally arrived!

The teeny tiny vial of swimmers came in this huge shipper!  I have to put this thing outside of my door to be picked up by Fedex and my neighbors are totally going to see it!!!  It has stickers on it that say "reproductive technologies!"

So, the deed is done!  There are hopefully 25 million motile swimmers making their way to an egg.   I'm still not feeling great about the timing, but what can I do?  I'll see what comes of this month and have a plan in place for better timing next month.  

Waiting for Fedex

I have today off from work and I am literally sitting here waiting for Fedex.  It's like watching grass grow.  It occurred to me yesterday that I don't get any tracking number for the sperm.  It's just kind of funny because I order my cat's food online and get a tracking number for Fedex by email every month.  So, I am able to track my cat's food, but not a liquid nitrogen tank of sperm.  Hmmm.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Timing is Everything

I'm trying not to freak out, but I may have completely messed up my timing this month.  I had ordered the sperm to arrive on CD11.  Over the past six months of fertility monitoring, there was one month where I got a +OPK on CD11, but I have mostly been getting them later into the cycle.  Then, this month, AF came one day earlier than usual.  So, that made the tank delivery day CD12 instead of CD11.  I probably should have called to change it, but I thought there would be a fee (although today I realized that is just if you change your order on the shipment day) and I don't know, I thought it would be ok.  If anything, I was more worried about getting a +OPK too late and the tank thawing out or being overdue.  Anyway, here we are CD11, sperm is due to get here tomorrow and I had a +OPK this morning.  The recommendation is to do the insemination within 18 hours of a +OPK, which would be tonight.  I don't even know what time my tank will be delivered tomorrow.  Needless to say, I am totally kicking myself for this.  I need to do some thinking about either a. tweaking the timing of the delivery for next month or b. moving on to IUI at the hospital where this wouldn't be an issue.  Or, maybe I should spend today looking for an eligible gentleman and experiment with heterosexuality.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

2WW Distractions

It's CD 9 and I have resumed OPKs!  I should be in the 2WW (two week wait) by the end of this week.    I'm thinking that I should some up with a list of potential distractions for those two weeks, even though I know that will probably fail miserably, but it's worth a try, right?  Here's what I have so far:

  • I'm reading a book (a textbook, basically) for work, which I have actually been able to focus on pretty well.  In the event that I finish that book, I have the next one lined up.
  • I had started reading Drift, by Rachel Maddow and then put it down to pick up the above textbook, so I can figure out how to do my job better.  So, I would like to pick up Drift again.  In the event that I finish that, I have a few choices for my next non-work related book.
  • I'm not big into watching TV, but it is a great distraction, so I'm planning on watching Rachel Maddow (which I do now anyway) and the The Daily Show every night.  I need to find a TV series, like one that's been on for awhile, so I can watch multiple episodes on either Netflix or Hulu.  If all else fails, there's always Law & Order SVU.
  • Since I could potentially become pregnant and am trying to eat healthy, I'm thinking that I should work on cooking up some yummy, healthy, summer meals.
  • I am going to try to go to 1-2 yoga classes a week, but nothing too crazy strenuous.  No "core yoga" for me in this heat thank you very much.
  • I am going to try to bike to the beach on the weekends.
  • I should probably try to find someone to go to the July 4th fireworks with.
  • I do have a friend coming from out of town on July 6th.
  • Obviously, I am working during these two weeks, so that is at least some distraction during the day.
I am definitely open to suggestions on this topic, especially TV and book recommendations!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Checking In

Well, it's CD 6 and I am anxiously awaiting next week!  I re-started BBT today, which I don't think is going to be useful at all this cycle.  I am not sleeping well with the heat and with a sinus infection, so I think my temp is going to be all over the place.  It was higher this morning than it usually is this part of the cycle, but I really didn't sleep well.  I have been feeling pretty crappy physically this week.  I had AF, caffeine withdrawal, and a sinus infection all at the same time.  My sinus infection is a little better today, but still here.  I'm still feeling the caffeine withdrawal and now it's like 95 degrees and I don't have AC.  So, basically, I am exhausted.  Amazingly though, I am in a pretty good mood.  What it comes down to is that I feel like crap, but I really can't wait to be a mom.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Donor Drama

So, I'm cruising my sperm bank's website, you know, since I have nothing better to do with my time and I notice that my donor is temporarily sold out!!!!   WTF?!  This doesn't affect me this month, but if I need to order again next month (meaning I'm not pregnant), I may have to pick another donor!  It's tough because there are only like 4-5 donors that have "raw" samples available, so I would probably have to use an IUI vial for at home insem.  I am crossing my fingers that this guy will be available again in a month if I need to order again, uhg.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Yes!  AF has arrived, so I am finally in the TTC cycle!!!  Of course, this is actually one day earlier than usual, so now I'm questioning the timing of the arrival of the sperm, but it's too late to change it now without having to pay another $75.  I don't know, it should be fine.  Schedule of events:

AF should be hanging around until Monday.  Then, I can resume temp charting, which I now despise.  I'll start OPK's (ovulation predictor kits) probably by next weekend.  Then, the sperm will be here on the 26th, which is CD12, which was supposed to be CD11.  I don't usually get a + OPK until CD14 or 15 though, so that's why I think it will be ok, but the first month that I charted I did get a + OPK on day 11.  Uhg.  So, I should be doing the insemination at the very end of June, like the 29th or 30th.  Then, I should know if it worked the weekend of July 14th/15th.  I don't know what that's going to be like for me because my sister and brother-in-law are supposed to be here that weekend.  So, waiting is obviously a major theme here.  I've waited for awhile to try.  Now, it's wait for AF to be over...wait for a +OPK...wait for two weeks to find out...

Realistically, this is my first try with at-home insemination and frozen sperm; the chances are not great.  So, I'm trying not to get too excited and just assume that this will be the first of probably several tries.  I don't want to assume that it absolutely won't work though, otherwise why would I be doing it?

If by some miracle this does work, I think my due date will be March 22nd (if you go by CD1).

Coffee Quit Date

This needs to be my last cup of coffee for a long time. God give me strength.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Waiting for AF

Aunt Flo.  I have to admit, I feel like such a tool using the TTC acronyms, but some of them are just more convenient.  Basically, I am too lazy to write out "trying to conceive" over and over.  So, AF in the TTC community, stands for Aunt Flo.  Personally, I've kind of liked "Aunt Flo" over "period," but I don't usually use it since it's not 1994 and I'm not at Girl Scout sleep-away camp.  Anyway, so AF should be here Saturday.  For once, I am looking forward to it because that will put me into the cycle where I am going to TTC!  Yet, I am also having the worst PMS of all time; I want to go back to bed, I don't want to go to work, I want to eat chocolate, drink wine, and watch Rachel Maddow.  Nothing is worse for PMS by the way, than Rachel Maddow having a day off.  I mean, when I am cranky, I need to know that I can turn my computer on and watch The Rachel Maddow Show from the night before with her as the host, not that other guy. Is that too much to ask?!?!?!  What's pretty scary too is that I am also weaning down on caffeine.  So, PMS and caffeine withdrawal...things could get ugly.  The icing on the cake though is that at some point this month, I am going to have to back off of allergy medication, at least leading up to and through ovulation.  Apparently, allergy meds can interfere with fertility.  I won't go into all of the details of that, but feel free to google it if you're curious as to why.  My allergies have been beastly lately.  So, that's going to be another layer of ugly.  Anyway, things are about to get crazy here and this blog is about to get TMI (that stands for Too Much Information).  So, feel free to back away slowly.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coming Out...In More Ways Than One.

This is long, but is just something that I need to get off my chest.

Over the past year-and-half or so, I have been "coming out," so to speak, to various people in my life about my plans to TTC.  I've told my parents, my sister, a few friends, a couple of co-workers/friends, two gynecologists, my cats, and probably a couple of other people.  The reactions have varied from supportive, to unsupportive, and some in between.  I can't help but comparing this to my experience coming out as a lesbian and I have to say, I am finding that coming out about my desire to be a mother and do it on my own, has actually been more difficult for me than coming out as a lesbian.

To be fair, coming out as a lesbian was really done under ideal circumstances for me.  I know that not everyone has it so easy.  For me, it was already 2001.  I was 19 and attending a very liberal women's college where I was in good company.  So, I felt like I had the support of the entire campus.  The one or two friends who I had left from high school were also supportive.  My parents had already suspected it for a few years, so while they were not thrilled, they were not shocked either.  My parents are not particularly conservative or religious, so we didn't have those issues.  My sister was/is very supportive.  I didn't come out to my extended family, but this was mostly because we're not close.  I wouldn't really tell them anything personal about myself.  I will say that I never told my maternal grandparents and I know that they would disapprove if they knew and that that would hurt me.  I have such nice childhood memories of them that I suppose I just wanted to end on that note (not to be morbid), rather than have them go out of this world disapproving of me or not on speaking terms with me.  Overall though, I didn't experience any real negative reactions to coming out.  I don't want to down-play this;  coming out as a lesbian is a big deal.  I don't want to say that it was easy for me, but it could have been a lot worse.  In a lot of ways, it actually felt pretty empowering to come out.

Interestingly, I do feel that I have basically gone back into that proverbial closet since I graduated from college.  This was not intentional, just something that happened.  What happened after college is basically that I have become chronically single.  The weird thing about being single and a lesbian is that, while it doesn't really make you less gay, it does make you less visible.  My sexual orientation just doesn't come up naturally in conversation the way that it might if I had a partner to refer to.  Sometimes, I just don't know what to say;  "Oh hey co-worker, just so you know, I am single, but if I were dating someone, it would be a woman.  Just so you know, ok?"  However, as I've gotten closer to moving forward with my plans to TTC, I have actually found myself having to come out as a lesbian all over again.  I guess my fear is that if being single has sent me back in the closet, being a single mother is going to lock the closet door and put a dead bolt on it.  So, before that happens, I am literally reminding people that I am a lesbian and coming out to people in my life who do not know.  Another reason that I'm doing this though, is because I do intend to be out to my child.  I don't want to have a baby, have everyone forget that I'm queer, have it "not come up in conversation" with my own child, and then shock them later on.  I suppose I also want to practice having confidence about it before having a baby.  I don't want them picking up on some internalized homophobia I have or something.  So, here I am, coming out again, on a smaller scale I suppose.

Coming out and telling people about my plans to become a single mother by choice has been a different animal.  I think that my family and some of my friends have known for a few years that I would eventually pursue motherhood on my own if I didn't meet anyone, but it's been more recently that I have been telling people in a more deliberate way that I have an actual plan and an actual timeline.  Telling people that I am planning on doing this has been important to me for a a few reasons.  For starters, I suppose I do want to know who is going to be supportive and who is not.  I am working on "building my village" and I guess I want a sense of who might be in that village.  I also don't really want to shock people with "guess what, I'm pregnant."  A bigger reason though, is really that I want to share my excitement with others.  In terms of "support," I don't feel like I need anything from anyone else, at least not at this stage in the game, but I do feel like I need others to be excited with me.  I've grown accustomed to dealing with "problems" on my own, but to feel so excited and happy about something and have to keep that to myself was just not realistic for me.

This deliberate "coming out" process started in the fall of 2010.  The first person who I disclosed my plans to was my gynecologist.  I wanted to have a conversation about my reproductive health.  Her response was "but, aren't you single?"  When I said yes, she asked "and aren't you a social worker?"  When I confirmed that, she said "oh honey, you'll never be able to raise a baby on a social worker's salary."  That was the end of that conversation.  She actually would not discuss it any further with me.  Needless to say, the next time I was up for my annual, I saw a new gyn.  The next one seemed to know better than to say anything, but I do think that she had a tone about it.  She also wouldn't have a conversation with me about TTC; she just referred me to Reproductive Endocrinology.

Then, there's my family.  I'm sure that my parents will be very supportive of a real, live, grandchild.  However, at the moment, they seem less than enthusiastic.  It's not something that they'll get into with me.  This has just turned into something that we don't talk about.  My sister, who was probably the most supportive person when I came out as a lesbian, is now the least supportive person about my plans to TTC.  I think that a lot of this has to do with her own family planning.  She doesn't want me having a baby before she does.  So, we also don't talk about it.  My extended family doesn't know, for the same reasons that I didn't come out to them as a lesbian.  The weird thing for me about the rest of the family though, is that I can't really hide a baby the way I can hide my sexual orientation.  My maternal grandparents, who are still alive and well, will know if I get pregnant and have a baby.  So, I don't know what kind of note we're going to end on.

My friends have definitely been more supportive than my family.  However, there have definitely been some who have also seemed sort of disapproving.  I don't know what it is really because most people won't say anything to me directly.  People might wonder how I'll do this on my own, how I'll afford it, wonder why I don't wait longer, I don't know.  It doesn't feel great though.  I have my own fears about motherhood and can't help but question myself when I feel like others are silently questioning this decision.

What's been really weird for me recently though, is that the people who have seemed unenthusiastic or disapproving, actually seem to have developed some sort of amnesia, meaning they seem to have either forgotten that I ever told them of my plans to TTC, or maybe they just refuse to acknowledge it.  Either way, I feel like, "ok, I put myself out there, made myself vulnerable, told you this big thing, and now we're going to pretend it's not happening?"  I mean, I don't know what I expect.  I don't expect to be having super regular conversations about my plans with everyone, but it's awkward for me when the other person seems to have this amnesia.  I'll give you an example:  My sister was here for a visit this weekend.  When we were getting ready for bed, I made up my bed for her and the couch for me.  She goes "So, when are you going to get the guest room set up?"  I live in a two bedroom condo that I bought in November.  I left the second bedroom empty because I figured it was going to be more trouble for me to set it up as an office, craft room, guest room, whatever, and then have to dismantle all of that to turn it into a baby's room.  Maybe I'm being overly sensitive here, but I had numerous conversations with my sister about my plans before realizing that she has such a problem with it.  I showed her the donor profiles and donor baby pictures.  I told her what my timeline is.  So, are we really going to pretend that the extra bedroom is a guest room?    It would be like, if I came out as a lesbian and people were still trying to set me up with men.

I guess the real underlying issue here, is that since I do have my own fears about doing this, other people's lack of confidence in my ability to do this just seems very loud, even though I do have friends who are very supportive.  I also find myself now feeling a little embarrassed about my plans, which is weird.  It's hard to describe.  I guess I just feel like I'm doing something socially unacceptable and with some of the responses that I've gotten from others, you would think that I'm a teenager telling people I want to have a baby instead of a 30-year-old, educated, woman.

I think this post might sound a little more negative than I intended it to.  These are just some things that I've been thinking about lately.  Overall, I am still really excited about moving forward with my plans.  It just seems sort of strange to me that I would meet such resistance around it.  While I do have fears about it, I also feel confident that I will do whatever it takes to make life as a single, queer, mother work.  It's not like I would try to send the baby back!  It's just sort of an interesting place to be at the moment:  coming out about my plans to TTC as a single person while also reasserting my queerness.  As far as coming out about TTC, I am also aware that while it feels like I have told a lot of people, that number is actually pretty small compared to the number of people I will have to be "out" to if I actually get pregnant.  So, I suppose this is also a good opportunity practice having some confidence about this.  More to come about the "coming out" process as it unfolds.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Own Sperm

I bought my first vial of sperm today!  For the time being, I am just ordering one vial at a time.  In reality, it would probably be better to do two inseminations per cycle, but this stuff ain't cheap, so I'm starting with one and I will see how that goes.  This one vial actually comes with a guarantee of 25 million motile sperm.  It's so crazy to think that you could put 25 million sperm into your body and not get pregnant, but it happens all the time.  In fact, 25 million is actually not that many.  I think it's supposed to be like 300 million when heterosexual humans mate.

On separate note, I had a last minute change of heart regarding the donor and switched to one of my other choices.  This happened for a few reasons:

1.  I had a paranoid freak-out regarding a blood type issue.  Apparently, there is a miniscule possibility of ABO blood type incompatibility if a mom as O blood type, which I do, and a baby has A or B blood.  My first donor choice, the blonde, is A+, meaning that the baby could be A+.  For this incompatibility thing to happen though, the blood would have to somehow mix and even then, it's pretty rare actually. The risk is that the baby could be born with jaundice, which could be mild, but there have been more severe cases.  Obviously, people do not mate based on blood type, so it's not really a thing to worry about.  Like I said, paranoid freak-out.  I probably should not reproduce.
So, I'm letting the blood type issue go, but my second donor choice is O+ like me, so I'm considering that an added benefit.

2.  Since I am now starting with a home insemination, my second donor choice has "unwashed" vials available, which is better for home insemination.  My first donor choice has only "washed" vials available, which can be used at home, but are meant for intrauterine insemination.  A "washed" vial for IUI means that the sperm has been separated from the seminal (gross) fluid, in order to go directly into the uterus.  An "unwashed" vial contains 25 million motile sperm, at least with the sperm bank I am using, whereas a "washed" vial is more like 10 million.  Sounds like a better bet to me.

3.  I am still conflicted over anonymous vs. "willing to be known."  Donor choice number two is WTBK whereas choice number one is anonymous.  Realistically, I know I should probably go with WTBK and let my kid decide when they are 18.

I can't say that I won't switch donors again because a lot of it depends on vial availability, but for now a choice has been made...again.

As far as the new donor goes, he looks pretty cute in his childhood photo.  He is a smarty pants, PhD.  He sounds like a genuinely nice guy in his responses.  He has a clean (according to him) health history. What more can I ask for?

So, my 25 million motile sperm will arrive 6/26, hopefully for a meet-up with an egg later that week.

Friday, June 1, 2012

May/June To-Do List Update

I've already reported on some of this, but to summarize, May was a fairly productive month:

1.  I paid off the last of my credit card balance, yessssss!!!!!  Let's see if I can maintain that now!
2.  I saved the majority of a down payment for a car, because, you know, I can't wait to be a regular driver.
3.  I kicked my roommate out and disinfected that room.
4.  I officially made a donor choice.
5.  I've been trying to keep up with leading a fertile lifestyle.

Not too shabby.  Now, on to June:

1.  I need to put a little more money into savings and keep working on being financially disciplined.  Speaking of which:
2.  I need to cut back on Starbucks.  Actually, I should cut back on coffee altogether.  I had totally given it up a few months ago, but then relapsed.  I know that you can have like 200mg of caffeine when pregnant, but I don't know, it's a slippery slope for me.  One cup really just makes me want another.
3.  I must eat more vegetables, but this should be easier with Farmer's Market.
4.  Most importantly, this will *hopefully* be the month I start TTC!!!