Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Checking in 6dpo

Yeah, I'm definitely going crazy.  This 2ww just seems so long.  I know that implantation likely would not have occurred yet, so I should not be having symptoms, but the lack of symptoms drives me nuts.  It's so bizarre.  I do feel really bloated, but I might just a little fat.  I've been having a lot of twinges and my pelvic region just feels kind of sore, like I have been exercising, which I haven't, but I think it's very possible for these symptoms to be psychosomatic.  Another weird thing:  my jaw is killing me.  It's like I've suddenly developed TMJ.  I'm probably just stressed and grinding my teeth.  I don't think jaw pain is a pregnancy symptom anyway.  So, overall, I don't feel much different, which is driving me insane, despite knowing that I should not feel different.  Ahhhhh!!!!!

I haven't decided when to start testing.  I am definitely guilty of peeing on a stick very early.  The last two times, I started around 8dpo, knowing that it would be negative even if it would eventually become a positive.  I'm not feeling the urge yet, mostly because I do not want to see a negative.  So, I might aim for around 10dpo, which would be Sunday.  My parents will be here this weekend, so that should be interesting.  I'm almost wondering if I should wait until they leave because I don't want to be feeling all bummy around them, but at 10dpo even with a negative, I will likely hold onto hope until AF shows up.  I will also be on vacation from work next week.  I'm not sure if that's going to be good or bad honestly.

I just want off this crazy train!

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