Tuesday, December 25, 2012

19 Weeks

Wow, I am a serious slacker here.  Overall, the second trimester has been going well.  I'm over morning sickness!  In general, I've felt so good that I hardly feel pregnant at times.  Although, my belly is definitely growing!  In the first trimester, I feel like I was mostly consumed with not feeling well and with a general feeling of "oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually pregnant!"  In the second trimester, I have regained my energy and am feeling consumed by "holy crap, there is so much to be done before the baby gets here!"  So, my life is a lot of to-do lists at the moment (with occasional panic mixed in!), which may explain the lack of posting.  A couple of high lights from the second trimester thus far:

1.  Movement!  I started feeling little movements at week 16, although at the time, I wasn't completely sure it was movement.  Now, at 19 (almost 20 weeks) there's no doubt that's what it is!  The little movements are also getting stronger by the week.

2.  Anatomy Scan:  I had this four days ago and let me tell you, it was an emotional roller coaster!  I started getting really nervous a few days prior, worrying about all of the things that could possibly be wrong with the baby.  During the actual ultrasound, I was shaking like a leaf and trying not to cry, but I don't think the resident doing the ultrasound even noticed.  It didn't help that the whole thing seemed to take forever (in reality, it actually did take 2 hours).  So, he would be looking at something and I couldn't tell if he thought there was a problem or what.  The baby was head up and back up, so I guess it was just hard for them to see everything that they needed to see and measure, so that's why it took so long, but that did not help my anxiety.  In the end, everything was perfect.  Baby is measuring right on and has all needed limbs and organs.  Also, baby is a girl!  I am completely over the moon about this, particularly because I had a strong feeling it was a girl and did not want to be wrong.  Something about seeing the baby and knowing the gender has also fostered an intense bond.  I actually have been feeling fiercely protective of her since the scan.

Overall, I am at times overwhelmed with everything that has to be done, but also really looking forward to meeting my daughter in May!

1 comment:

  1. Love when they finally start looking human! Glad you are doing well....
