Sunday, September 23, 2012

Holy Lack of Appetite!

OMG, food has become so unappealing to me!  I am not exactly nauseous, but I just feel full all of the time.  I hit this wall when I'm eating, it's like, if I take one more bite, I am going to be nauseous!  I just feel so guilty because I have this long list of food that I'm supposed to be eating (7-9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day, whaaa????) and I can barely eat.  I just hope my little peanut is getting all of the nutrients she/he needs.  I mean, I am taking a pre-natal vitamin, but still.  I also have been starting to feel a little weak/dizzy/tired, like some food might help!  I was pretty much immobile on the couch for like two hours this afternoon, not exactly sleeping, but just not enough energy to function.  The only thing I am really craving is chocolate milk.  Of course, chocolate milk is super filling, so once I have that, I can pretty much be done for hours!  Right now, I kind of want some tacos from a specific place, but I know I'm going to hit that wall, so is it really worth it to pay for take out?  I do have this book, Real Food for Mother and Baby, that kind of breaks down what you need eat more simply and acknowledges how most of the nutrition recommendations for pregnant women are unrealistic in quantity the first trimester.  I think the first trimester is supposed to be a lot about focusing on vitamins A and D (I think), so hopefully, as long as I'm getting that, I'm not doing permanent damage to my baby!

1 comment:

  1. AS long as you're keeping what you eat down and you're taking your prenatal, you're probably ahead of the curve. Sounds like pregancy is a good diet. Lol. It's still early, you'll have time to eat lots later. Enjoy this time!
