Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Houston, We Have a Heartbeat!

So, the ultrasound went well!  We were able to see the gestational sac, yolk sac, fetal pole, and a little heartbeat!  The heartbeat was too new to measure BPM, but definitely there- a little flicker on the screen!  Most, importantly, there is only one!  In the past couple of days, I started convincing myself that I might be carrying twins and was freaking out!  So, maybe I can enjoy at least a couple of anxiety free days before I invent the next issue?  We got a look at my fibroid too (another freak-out I had been having) and it looks small and away from everything important.  They're going to measure it as we go along, but don't think it will interfere with anything.  I also had my initial pre-natal appointment with a midwife, which went well.  Of course, I got a lecture about the need for "supports" because of my "situation," but it wasn't too bad.  So, overall, I am feeling pretty good today!


  1. Wow!!! That's a great appointment considering how early you are.....when do you go back??

  2. So excited for you!!

    I am a little perturbed for you that you got lectured about your "situation". Seriously? Do they think you didn't think about that beforehand. You're probably better prepared than 90% of the mothers they see.

  3. Thanks guys! My next ultrasound is in two weeks!

    I know, as far as the lectures about support- it's annoying. So far, I've been smiling and just saying something like "this baby is very planned and very wanted, yada, yada." I can imagine it getting old! Today, I had to go back to get my blood drawn and the phlebotomist started asking about whether this is my first pregnancy, when am I due, etc. I kept thinking "please don't ask my husband, please don't ask about my husband, please don't ask about my husband!"
