Sunday, March 4, 2012

172 Days To Go

I'm getting tired of waiting to wait.  I've been agonizing over to-do lists for the past few years, trying to get my life to a place where I can support a child.  Now that there's not that much time left, I feel even more impatient.  I want to just race to the finish line.  I really shouldn't complain though.  I consider myself lucky to have a chance to even try this.  So, I'm trying to be patient and enjoy this time before I start living my life in two week cycles.  According to Fertility Friend (that's right, I have an app for my phone that tracks my fertility), I should ovulate around August 22nd.  This may actually be pretty accurate  as I have a 28 day cycle that I could set my watch to.  Hopefully, it stays that way.  So, that would be 172 days from now.  In these next 172 days, I do have some things that I need to accomplish, which is why I'm not starting right now.  So, here's what's left of my three-year-long to-do list:

1.  Driving:  Uhg.  Most people who know me, know that I hate to drive.  It's definitely a fear thing.  Like any fear, the longer you avoid it, the bigger it gets.  I do have a basic ability to drive and a driver's license.    I have already started driving again, after avoiding it for most of my 20's, which is pretty big for me.  My only motivation is my desire to be a mother.  If it wasn't for that, my butt would be living in NYC right now, taking public transportation until the day I die.  That's how much I hate driving.  In some ways, I'm really ashamed of myself for even having such a fear and getting over it is no easy task.  I have even tried hypnosis.  So, I've been taking lessons as a refresher with this guy who is a cop!  Let me tell you, it's intense. I've taken five so far and will probably take at least a few more.  I think I'm doing ok, but I am still nervous about it.  The pressure is on because if I cannot adequately conquer this fear in the next 172 days, baby will be on hold. I would just live in a major city with a baby, but my social worker salary does not stretch as far in such places.

2.  Obtaining an actual car: this will not be as difficult as conquering the fear of driving.  I need to save up a down payment for a decent used car.  I'm a pretty good saver though.  I'm hoping to have this done by June.  I really hope it's a Subaru, to complete my image, but I will take what I can get.

Those are the two main things that have to happen before I can have a baby.  There are other things that I am working on just while passing the time:

1.  General nesting:  I moved into my condo in November and am still working on getting stuff I need for it, just to make it nice and homey for me and a baby.

2.  Just generally taking care of my health:  the fertility diet, supplements, exercise, stress reduction.  Also, monitoring my fertility.

3.  Monitoring my spending and cutting back on things I don't need.

4.  Since I won't be starting until late August, I would like to try to enjoy my summer.  I might want to take a small trip of some kind.  I want to ride my bike as much as possible.  I want to try this zip line in the mountains.  I don't know what else, but I want to live it up as much as possible.  I think this is especially important because, if I am successful, I could have a new baby next summer and I don't think newborns are allowed on the zip line.

So, that's it.  I'm jut trying to keep focused, get this all done, and hope something doesn't derail me in the meantime.

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