Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sperm Bank Update

So, after much thinking and research, I've decided to go with The Sperm Bank of California.  Hopefully, that's the right decision.  So, I'm sending in my registration paperwork tomorrow!  Then, I just have to get my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to sign off on a form and I should be all registered within the next week or two.  I have been looking at donor profiles (of course), so my next step will be to order some long donor profiles and baby pics for the ones that I'm interested in.

On another note, I got some of my "steam" back after spending some time in the Baby Gap yesterday, which a friend of mine suggested.  I didn't buy anything though.  I've been really good about not buying baby stuff, just in case this doesn't work.  Also, at the moment, I really need my money for sperm, lol.  Later on, I'm probably going to watch "The Kids Are All Right,"which will probably help with the whole  "getting my steam back" issue.

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