Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bummer RE Conversation

I had an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) appt. this morning to basically convince them to let me get blood work to test my hormone levels.  This is a new RE.  The one I saw for an initial consult back in December recently left, so I have someone new.  He is a man, strike one!  Anyway, he was not willing to order tests because he feels that since I am only 30 and have regular cycles, I am ovulating normally.  He did give in and order a Progesterone test for me, but that's it.  He does feel that given timing/OPK issues, I would be better off going a medicated/monitored route.  However, adding monitoring ultrasounds and medication would add to the cost of this.  I haven't even researched much about those options as I really don't want to go that route.  Then there's also the risk of twins, which is also not an option.  I really thought that I wouldn't have to think about medication for awhile, so I was not even prepared to have this conversation.  It's also kind of frustrating that he would expect me to take on additional financial burden and whatever risks that go along with the medication, but he won't order a simple blood test that my insurance pays for.  I definitely left there feeling a little disheartened.  However, I do believe that I have a chance at this, unmedicated.  So, I will move forward despite this guy's negative energy.

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